
The Mass League Health Center Compliance Academy (HCCA)

Health Center Compliance Academy

The Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers is excited to launch this comprehensive compliance training program to address gaps in compliance learning at community health centers. The HCCA will offer health center staff low-cost, regular webinars that dive deep into compliance topics, provide practical solutions to challenges, and promote a better understanding of federal and state regulations.

Join us for the first session on Monday, September 30th: Health Center Procurement & Contracting Workshop: An In-Depth Interactive Discussion of the Health Center's Contracting Process. The Mass League Legal & Compliance team will lead the session covering requirements and best practices for every step of the contracting process. Mass League's SVP of Business Development & Strategy will join to discuss risk areas to be aware of in the contracting process.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Navigate federal procurement regulations (with emphasis on 45 CFR Part 75)
  • Draft solicitation requests (RFQs, RFPs, and IFBs)
  • Structure contracts, including required clauses under Legislative Mandates and federal procurement regulations
  • Avoid protracted negotiation periods
  • Comply with required processes for remedies, contract termination, audits and record-keeping
  • Learn how to draft liability shifting clauses (insurance and indemnification language)
  • Identify areas of risk for the health center in the contracting process
  • Streamline contracting processes

This session will be held virtually from 1 PM - 4 PM EST. Pricing is as follows:

  • 1-4 people from one CHC: $350 each
  • 5-9 people from one CHC: $275 each ($75 discount)
  • 10+ people from one CHC: $200 each ($150 discount)

Register here. Registration closes at 12pm on September 27th.

To obtain discount codes or for any registration help, please contact Jack Broderick by sending an email to with the subject "Health Center Compliance Academy Registration - [CHC Name]" (please insert the name of the CHC in question where the bracketed text is).

Please note: Registrations are completed through our Member Portal. If you do not have an account in our Member Portal, you will need to create one at If you need to be added to the Member Portal, please send an email to Jack Broderick (see above) with the follow information:

  • Full name
  • Organization
  • Organization address
  • Email address
  • Job title
  • Phone number

Please feel free to share this with health center colleagues involved or interested in compliance work. For any questions, please reach out to Keplin Allwaters, Chief Legal & Compliance Officer, at