
Workforce Development

League & Suffolk University Certificate Program:

2024-2025 Community Health and Community Health Center Management Certificate

Applications are open : CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION
The application is a fillable form, you must download it first

Join us for an information session: July 16th 3-4 or July 31st 12-1.

General program inquiries can be sent to:

Since 2002, the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers has partnered with Suffolk University's Moakley Center to offer a Certificate in Community Health and Community Health Center Management. The goal of the program is to provide employees of health centers the opportunity to access affordable graduate level education. In turn, their participation builds the internal capacity in health centers by equipping them with the new skills and advanced management tools.

This distinctive certificate program cultivates and supports opportunities for public and nonprofit sector employees to share ideas and promote community engagement while enhancing communication, networking and problem solving between and among health centers.

Our eight-month, health center-focused curriculum includes modules in health policy, human resources, leadership, grant writing, finance and marketing. Participants attending these sessions earn up to 12 credit waivers toward future graduate studies at Suffolk University's MPA Program.

In 2019, Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) identified the League's Suffolk program as one of the "most effective" workforce training the League conducts.

Important Information for Community Health Centers Sponsoring Applicants

Each program applicant is sponsored by the Community Health Center where they are currently employed. As the applicant's sponsoring agency, the health center agrees to:

  1. Pay a $50 non-refundable Agency Application fee (a onetime fee, regardless of the number of applicants) AND
  2. Pay the tuition fee for members of $3,950.00 or non-members $5,200.00 (membership refers to Mass League membership)

In addition, once the applicant has applied, the applicant's supervisor will receive an email to complete and submit a separate Supervisor Recommendation form (a recommendation form is required for every applicant).

New for this year, the application is fully fillable online and will be submitted by applicants online. Due to this change, the application will need to be filled out in its entirety, as it cannot be saved and returned to. Please review the application in its entirety and plan accordingly when filling out the application to make sure all application materials are submitted.

To successfully complete the application, they should prepare in the following ways:

  1. Discuss program with their immediate supervisor or HR, as the application requires a recommendation form from a supervisor in addition to an individual application.
  2. Read through the entire application to understand information needed for a successful submission.
  3. Have an updated copy of their resume ready to upload as part of the application.
  4. Have a completed 500-word essay completed ready to upload as part of the application.

All classes will be online, but will be meeting in person on 9/13/2024, 11/1/2024, 1/10/2025, 2/28/2025, and 4/11/2025 as well as at graduation. The location of the in-person classes will be Suffolk University 120 Tremont Street, 5th floor (AKA Suffolk Law). The times will be from 9:00am to 4:00pm online (with breaks in between) with exception of the last block that runs 9:00am to 12:00pm each scheduled Friday.

The application cycle for the 2024-2025 cycle closed on August 2, 2024.

All applications will be reviewed by a small review committee comprised of Mass League and CHC staff. Applications will be reviewed as they come in and applicants will be notified of program acceptance by mid-August 2024. Supervisor recommendations are required as part of your application. After you submit your application, the Mass League will send your supervisor the Supervisor Recommendation Form 24.25 to complete on your behalf. Below is a list of selection criteria that will be used in the review process.

  • Date Application Submitted
  • # of Years Worked in a CHC
  • Level of endorsement from CHC
  • Strength of Application
  • Alignment of applicant's educational plans with program content
Applicant Applied Previously


Last Updated: July 2024